The Picturesque Eye. Framing Regionalist Art Forms in Late Empires

Donnerstag, 03. Dezember 2015 - 13:00 Uhr

Volkskundemuseum Wien

Internationale Konferenz
Wien, 3.-5. Dezember 2015

3./4. Dezember: Volkskundemuseum Wien / Laudongasse 15-19 / 1080 Wien
5. Dezember: Theatersaal der ÖAW / Sonnenfelsgasse 19 / 1010 Wien

War das Engagement für periphere Kultur bzw. regionalistisch inszenierte Kunst ein Mittel zur politischen Systemstabilisierung in spätkolonialen bzw. spätimperialen Regimen? Welche Rolle spielten darin
die Disziplinen von Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte, der Ethnografie etc., aber auch die Techniken und Medien von Fotografie, Film, Buchpublikation, Museum und Ausstellung? Welche Institutionen standen dahinter, welche konkreten Akteure?
Die englische Tagung nimmt innereuropäische Randzonen (Fokus Habsburg) und außereuropäische Kolonien (Fokus Asien) zwischen 1900 und 1950 in einen transkulturellen Blick.

Freier Eintritt, Anmeldung:

THURSDAY, 3 December 2015

Venue: Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art
Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde; Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

14.00-15.00 Introduction

Matthias Beitl (Director of the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art)
Welcome by the Hosting Institute

Michael Rössner and Johannes Feichtinger (Institute of Culture Studies and Theory History, ÖAW)
Introduction (I) by Partner Institution

Michael Falser (Global Art History, Heidelberg University)
Introduction (II) by Organizer: Picturesque Eye and Regionalism


Chair: Friedrich Tietjen (Vienna)

15.00?16.30 Photography

Franziska Scheuer (Dresden)
Pictorialism in Service of Human Geography. On the Importance of the Picturesque in the Photographic Collection Les Archives de la planète (1908?1931)

Herbert Justnik (Vienna)
Territorializing Images. Making Regions in late-imperial Habsburg

16.30?17.00 Coffee Break

17.00?18.30 Representations

Cora Bender (Siegen)
Crossing Thresholds, Making Borders: Regionalism and Aesthetics in Post-Frontier America

Oksana Sarkisova (Budapest)
Across the Sixth Part of the World: Ethnographic Gaze and Early Soviet Expedition Cinema

19.00 KEYNOTE (I)

Arnaud Maillet (Paris)
From Claude Glass to Camera Lucida: Optical Instruments to Frame the World as Picturesque

Discussant: Michael Falser (Heidelberg)

20.00 Dinner Buffet
Open House: Volkskundemuseum Wien and its Exhibition Highlights

FRIDAY, 4 December 2015

Venue: Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art


Chair: Monica Juneja (Heidelberg)

9.00?10.30 Education Politics

Werner Telesko (Vienna)
The State as a Work of Art? – Regionalism and Imperial Politics in the Late Habsburg Empire

Nélia Dias (Lisbon)
A Tale of Two Museums in the 1930s: Ethnographic Politics in Paris and Hanoi

10.30?11.00 Coffee Break

11.00?12.30 Fine Arts Programmes

Igor Vranic (Florence)
Monarchic and Kaisertreu National Patriotism – Establishment of Arts and Crafts Movement in Croatian Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy until WWI

Nadine André-Pallois (Paris)
Regionalist Arts. The Ecoles des Beaux Arts in Indochina and France

12.30?14.00 Lunch Buffet
Optional Visit to the Archive of the Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art


Chair: Christian Kravagna (Vienna)

14.00?15.30 Historiographies

Martin Hofmann (Heidelberg)
Integrating Chinese Traditions of Building and Construction into Global Contexts – An Outline of 1930

Pathmini Ukwattage (Basel)
Architecture Indigenous to the Soil – Ideology, Imagery and Architectural Historiography in British India and Great Britain in the (late) colonial Period

15.30?16.00 Coffee Break

16.00?17.30 Museums

Olga Osadtschy (Basel)
Nationality in a Showcase – The Jewish Museum in St. Petersburg

Nabila Oulebsir (Poitiers)
Regionalist Displays in the Musée des arts populaires, Algiers – Paris

18.30 KEYNOTE (II)

Matthew Rampley (Birmingham)
Empowering the Regions: The Cultural Policies of Austria-Hungary and Imperial Britain

Discussant: Georg Vasold (Berlin)

20.00 Optional Dinner

SATURDAY, 5 December 2015

Venue: Austrian Academy of Sciences; Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien

Chair: Noit Banai (Vienna)

9.00?10.30 Performative Arts

Katharina Wessely (Vienna)
Staging the Regional in Vienna?s Theatre Cultures

Sophie Roche (Heidelberg)
Moscow?s Cultural Empire: Ethnographic Traditions and Theatre Culture in Tadschikistan

10.30?11.00 Coffee Break

11.00?12.30 Fairs

Marta Filipova (Birmingham)
Staging the Peasant. Regional Exhibitions from Prague 1891 to Brno 1928

Michael Falser (Heidelberg)
Pasar Gambir in Batavia (1922?1939): A Vernacular Heterotopia for the Capital of the Dutch East Indies

12.30?14.00 Lunch

14.00?15.30 Leisure

Georg Vasold (Berlin)
Tourism, Art History, and the War: the Adria-Exhibition 1913 in Vienna

Tomoko Mamine (Berlin)
Exhibe et Impera: Japanese Colonial Exhibitions on Korea in the 1920s and the Politics of Tourism

15.30?16.00 Coffee Break

16.00 Final Discussion – Round Table

End of Conference

Optional Afternoon / Evening Programme:

Picturesque Christmas Fair Spittelberg / Dinner


Uhu Diskurs
Konferenz, Kolonialismus, Imperialismus, Kunst, Ethnografie
Donnerstag, 03.12.2015 13:00
bis Samstag, 05.12.2015
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15-19
1080 Wien
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